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Friday, April 08, 2011


Kellogg's frosted mini wheat bite is a good source of fibre and excellent for breakfast cereal.However ,my kids didn't like it.Then,I happen to discover this recipe .To my surprise ,they couldn't recognise the frost bites and at the same time I could give them an excellent source of fibre.


Kellogg's frosted mini bites 400gms
chocolate bar 1 large
butter 1/2 stick
milk 1 1/2 cups
sugar 2tsp
baking powder 1 tsp
vanilla essence 1 tsp


Soak the frosted bites in milk for 10 minutes.
Melt the chocolate bar and butter.Mix it well.
Add the sugar if required.
Add the vanilla essence.
Mix the frosted bites and blend it well with a spoon.
Add the baking powder.
Pre heat the oven to 450 degrees.
Shape the mix in the shape of cookies and place in a tray with parchment paper .
Bake for 15 - 20 mts.

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